Achieving Cost Savings While Ensuring Quality and Responsiveness

A leading business and technology services provider managed its contingent labor program with a task-oriented, low-cost approach, resulting in an excess of suppliers, inefficiencies, and above-market rates. Softwise Solutions stepped in to transform the program through strategic involvement, process improvements, and supplier rationalization.

Legacy Supplier Relationships and Above-Market Rates
The provider's program struggled with long-term relationships between suppliers and key hiring managers, leading to a reliance on suppliers for consistent quality without a structured process. This resulted in unmanaged, individually negotiated rates, causing inefficiencies and inflated costs.

How Softwise Solutions Helped
Supplier Optimization, Process Enhancements, and Rate Adjustments
Softwise Solutions identified the need for significant internal process improvements and a reduction in suppliers to achieve cost savings. We introduced a new approach for sourcing and evaluating candidates, emphasizing consistency, transparency, established market rates, and supplier competition.
