Agile Foundational with Scrum and AI - A two-day virtual certification class Cover Image


Agile Foundational with Scrum and AI - A two-day virtual certification class

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Agile Foundational with Scrum and AI - A two-day virtual certification class has not posted anything yet
Begin datum 02/15/25 - 09:00
Einddatum 02/16/25 - 03:30
  • Beschrijving

    AgileCP Foundational (ACP-AF) is a two-day certification class that offers more than just a foundational understanding of the Agile space. It is recommended for individuals new to the Lean, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, DevOps, Agile Scaling Framework, and AI. The course provides a robust foundation in various Agile methodologies, frameworks beyond foundational concepts, and delves significantly into Scrum practices, providing a solid starting point for your journey. It stands out as the most comprehensive content in the Agile foundation domain compared to anything else available in the market. Additionally, students actively participate in interactive, hands-on backlog creation exercises and gain a deep understanding of Scrum events. The course has been upgraded to integrate components of artificial intelligence (AI), reflecting the evolving landscape of Agile practices.