EV Project Demo Cover Image


EV Project Demo

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رفع فيديو
EV Project Demo لم ينشر أي منشور بعد.
تاريخ البدء 01/11/25 - 11:00
تاريخ الانتهاء 01/11/25 - 12:00
  • الوصف

    We are excited to announce the launch of a new project eDrive Motor Controls designed to help you develop the technical skills and knowledge needed to excel in the Automotive Industry and Robotics. Whether you're looking to enhance your abilities or for new opportunities during CPT, OPT, STEM-OPT or currently enrolled in your Masters degree. This Project will cover key concepts, techniques, and strategies related to motor inverter features, Motor tuning, and Motor Architecture. By the end of the project, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of Open/Close Loop Controls, Direct Torque Control (DTC), Field Oriented Control (FOC) and Hardware testing to be equipped with real-time lab experience that would apply/add weightage to your resume and expertise.

    Website link: https://elektro-byte.com/

    Project Registration link: https://elektro-byte.com/project-work/ev-project/27

    Demo Link : https://elektro-byte.com/events-category/3/demo

    Enrollment Benefits:
    - Receive a Certificate upon completion to showcase your achievement.
    - We offer comprehensive Resume preparation and Mock interviews by Industry Experts.
    - We offer Marketing Services to help you effectively promote your skills and qualifications to potential employers through elektro-byte LLC.

    We encourage you to explore the above website for more details. Forward to your colleagues /Friends about this potential opportunity.